AstroTube PoC


Michael Reeves



A Bot that Scams People
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 28 days ago 5.9M views


I Built a Car out of Scooters
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 8 months ago 8.5M views


a boring video
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 1 year ago 8.1M views


A Robot Teaches Me Boxing
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 2 years ago 8.0M views


I Gave My Goldfish $50,000 to Trade Stocks
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 2 years ago 12.5M views


Teaching a Robot Dog to Pee Beer
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 3 years ago 17.7M views


Building A Laser Baby
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 4 years ago 16.0M views


If You Can't Find Waldo You Get Tazed
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 4 years ago 9.0M views


I Built A Surgery Robot
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 4 years ago 25.4M views


I Hate Your Robot Ideas
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 18.7M views


Tazer Tag
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 14.5M views


I Let a Twitter Bot Decorate My Room
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 19.4M views


Tazer Camera Makes Me The Tallest Person in The Picture
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 17.7M views


Scream Powered Microwave
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 10.1M views


Gas Powered Fishing Pole
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 12.5M views


The Roomba That Screams When it Bumps Into Stuff
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 27.0M views


If You Can't Drink Fast Enough This Cup Tazes You
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 5 years ago 6.8M views


A Robot That Picks Tomatoes Out of Your Salad
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 14.5M views


Your Robot Ideas Are Stupid
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 18.9M views


Head Hunting Drone Swarm
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 9.2M views


Million Subscriber Celebration Robot
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 4.2M views


Hacking Drones With a Child's Toy
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 7.6M views


A Robot Shoots Me When I Get Shot in Fortnite
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 11.1M views


Trigger Me Elmo | World's First Race Detecting Toy
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 22.4M views


Using Mind Control to Drive a Car
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 11.0M views


Electrocuting My Muscles to Force me to Dab
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 13.0M views


A Robot That Shoots Energy Drink at You When You Get Tired
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 6 years ago 11.5M views


Using a Hacked Bop-It to Fix Hawaii's Missile System
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 7 years ago 8.2M views


Taser Machine Fixes My Swearing Problem
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 7 years ago 6.0M views


Ruining My Day With Voice Recognition | Hacking Alexa
Michael Reeves ☑ 🎝 🌐 Uploaded 7 years ago 6.5M views
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